Serving Worcester County For Over 20 Years!

We do the dirty work, so you don’t have to!


Corona Virus Cleaning


ALL CLEAN is our name and ALL CLEAN is what we mean. Unfortunately, this now takes on a special meaning with the onslaught of the COVID-19 virus.

We use Re-Juv-Nal®, a proven cleaning formula.
Features & Benefits
• Disinfectant detergent cleaner with neutral pH.
• Leaves a pleasant scent.
• EPA registered disinfectant.

Efficacy: BACTERICIDAL ACTIVITY - At the 2 ounce per gallon dilution, Re-Juv-Nal demonstrates effective disinfectant activity against the organisms:

The trained cleaning specialists at ALL CLEAN are ready and well-informed about exactly the best way to protect your environment given the realities of this nasty viral bug also known as the Corona Virus. We offer up our services so that you may stay as safe as possible through conscientious cleanliness.

Our cleaning teams are experienced in performing the recommended cleaning tasks to provide the best cleanliness protection from the Covid-19 / Corona virus. By cleaning and disinfecting, we are quite literally providing a comforting peace of mind that your environment is not only looking clean as usual, but "virus clean" in reality.

Don't delay. Give us a call to schedule our clean team to perform a once-over for the most germ-free environment that's possible. Call: (508) 770-9933.


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